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Two female employees at Hepp-Schwamborn interviewed in the magazine "Wirtschaftsstandort Mönchengladbach".




February 2021: Two motivated female electronics technicians for energy and building technology at Hepp-Schwamborn demonstrate impressively that a profession in the electrotechnical field is neither fundamentally "too difficult" nor uninteresting for young women.

Michaela Bohnen (on the left in the picture) and Laura Bartsch both knew early on that they would enjoy a varied, practice-oriented profession. In addition, they bring along a great deal of technical expertise as well as a fair amount of self-confidence to assert themselves in what is supposed to be a male domain. At any rate, they feel they are in good hands with Hepp-Schwamborn.

The complete article can be read on the website of Wirtschaftsstandort Niederrhein or in the November 2020 issue of the magazine "Wirtschaftsstandort Mönchengladbach", page 42/43.




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